DIG is able to create a safe link from a secure, centralized location to individual facilities so HVAC systems can be properly managed.
The Problem
Many federal facilities have standalone energy management systems that connect to mechanical / HVAC devices, but the only people with access are the controls contractors. Occupants may be able to make tiny temperature adjustments at individual thermostats, but the ability to implement a cohesive energy strategy is extremely limited.
The Solution
DIG’s Energy Management Systems can provide Head End Control (JACE) that will communicate with existing proprietary systems, and send encrypted, real time data to a secure location. The Head End Control eliminates the manufacturer’s proprietary control and prevents outside access to local systems. Facility managers will then be able to monitor system effectiveness and alter operation, which will enhance comfort and utility savings DIG’s Energy Management Systems can provide Head End Control (JACE) that will communicate with existing proprietary systems, and send encrypted, real time data to a secure location. The Head End Control eliminates the manufacturer’s proprietary control and prevents outside access to local systems. Facility managers will then be able to monitor system effectiveness and alter operation, which will enhance comfort and utility savings
Advantages of EMCS
◉ Eliminates proprietary control, only selected entities are granted access
◉ Simple dashboard allows access to facility data 24/7
◉ Energy savings
◉ Set maintenance, repair schedules
◉Enhanced comfort, reliability
◉ Reduced equipment failure
◉ Create database of usage
◉ Can be connected to new systems
◉ Seamless integration and uniformity
◉ Utility sub metering can connect for added visibility, awareness
◉ Increased security through encryption processes
◉ Help meet sub meter and energy intensity mandates from Executive Orders
◉ Anticipate equipment failure, schedule repair proactively
◉ National presence allows for rapid service 24/7
◉Uniform graphics packages are available by location
Spec Highlights
◉ Increase facility efficiency through automated systems
◉Simple dashboard allows for 24/7 control and access to recorded data
◉ Encrypted data ensured to remain secure
◉Seamless integration with existing systems
◉ Aids in meeting sub-metering and energy intensity mandates
◉ Enhanced comfort and system use for facility managers